Recently posted to our home page: a preview of the December 17 editorial, "The Human Dimension."Here's how it starts:
In 2003, Cardinal Alfonso Lpez Trujillo of the Pontifical Council for the Family made headlines by claiming that condoms are unsafe because HIV can easily pass through.Some church officials disagreed publicly, but others dug in, and the impression was left that the churchs ban on condoms is absoluteto the point of fabricating facts and ignoring suffering. That perception colored the response to Pope Benedict XVIs comments on the subject of condoms and AIDS during a March 2009 flight to Africa. Asked whether the churchs position on fighting AIDS is unrealistic and ineffective, Benedict spoke in broad terms about the need for bringing out the human dimension of sexuality and noted that without this change, the problem cannot be overcome by the distribution of prophylactics; on the contrary, they increase it. He was right.
Read the rest here.Also: don't miss Joseph Becker's "Divided They Stand: How Israel & Palestine Might Work It Out." Want to be alerted as soon as we post new articles? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.