

Shop Talk

In ‘The Face of Water,’ Sarah Ruden aims to convey the intimate, humble, intrusive, and inescapably rude process of translating the Bible

Without Walls

John F. Kane’s book shows why Jesuit scholar William F. Lynch’s disappearance from the intellectual and cultural scene was as thorough as it was regrettable

Holy Week Staff Picks

A pair of novels, a collection of essays, an analysis of economics and Christian desire, mystical short stories, and a compendium of works on the undead

Hurt into Literature

This first volume of Kafka’s life covers the years just before his creative breakthrough in 1912 with ‘The Judgment’ and ‘The Metamorphosis’

Holy Horror

This is the novel you get when you cross the demonical complexities of Poe with the malignant banalities of Kafka, but De Maria has added a menacing ingredient.
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