Sandro Magister (magister #3) has posted a chapter by chapter resume of Pope Benedict's book, Jesus of Nazareth, released in Rome today.

In the appendix Benedict XVI (magister #1) refers to works by scholars whose work he has found helpful. He singles out one in particular:

For each of the ten chapters, Ratzinger cites the main books to whichhe refers, and which can be read for further study. Furthermore, hepoints out some of the most important recent books about Jesus,including those of Joachim Gnilka, Klaus Berger, Heinz Schrmann,Thomas Sding, Rudolf Schnackenburg, and John P. Meier. Of the last ofthese, a work in three thick volumes entitled A Marginal Jew.Rethinking the Historical Jesus, he writes:This multi-volume work by an American Jesuit represents in manyways a model of historical-critical exegesis, and clearly displays boththe importance and the limitations of this discipline."

So Monsignor John P. Meier of the University of Notre Dame will henceforth be known among his admirers as "magister #2."

Happily, the Pope has already declared that the book is not an official act of the Church's magisterium. For Meier is not a Jesuit (nor even a Vincentian), but a priest of the Archdiocese of New York -- as are the non-monsignorial Joseph A. Komonchak and your humble scrivener.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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