Since tomorrow is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and this Patroness of the Americas is currently gracing the covers of Commonweal, I thought she deserved an appearance here in our blog as well. My best friend is currently in her second year as a Jesuit Volunteer in Managua, Nicaragua where the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is no small matter. The celebrations are massive and December 12 (as well as December 8) is considered a national holiday.Here in the United States, Latino communities will gather to celebrate this important day, but for the most part, Guadalupe is not on the radar. I understand. There is a lot going on this time of year and the hoards of people busily rushing around Herald Square remind me of all of the Christmas preparations that I haven't taken care of yet. I just wanted to take a moment and give a nod to the woman who inspires such incredible devotion and faith. Happy Feast Day!

Marianne L. Tierney is a PhD student in theology at Boston College.

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