Those not planing to watch THE event today, may be interested in "thumbing" through the latest issue of "C-21 Resources" from Boston College's Church in the 21st Century Initiative. The theme is "Exploring the Catholic Intellectual Tradition" and contains articles probing different dimensions of the theme, as well as art works and photographs to evoke further aspects and implications.The Spring issue may be accessed here.And those in the Boston College area may find the following events of interest: a presentation this Thursday, February 7th at 5:30 by yours truly on "The Heart of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition," followed by further reflections by two colleagues; and a panel on Wednesday, February 20th at 5:30 by the editors ofAmerica, Commonweal, and U.S.Catholic on "The Future of Catholic Periodicals." Further details may be found on page 18 of the issue.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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