The Way Out Is In
In an oval world where
points of view are eye-shaped,
out of a round world, helpless,
where even the hamburger has
an accredited helper, dirt cheap,
both hands on the steering wheel
I drive alone slowly past
frame houses with big porches, as if
I could live in a world of neighbors
on porch gliders, and rock with them
behind a trellis on a scented evening,
behind and under wisteria,
greeting a couple
from the next house down who
happen to be strolling by,
while we all listen oval-eared
to the school-grounds’ distant echo
of the merry-go-round at the fair.
Solstice On the Way
They stand still, they glisten, the trees
high-crowned in the quiet woods
I turn my back on.
If I keep on whistling or
humming talking to myself
like this, I won’t hear
who alights in a lofty
contained flurry, soft within
wind’s thin whisper
among the highest branches.
Whoever it is, happens
to be great, a great singer
like intimate lighting striking.
Suppose I cd hear the song
close enough to understand.
My footing would change,
change or charge me so I see
first (but not just) the ground path
then I see the paths
aimed for me