Philip Weiss is the editor and a major author of "Mondoweiss: The War of Ideas in the Middle East." Along with several co-authors the site covers events, discussions, arguments, etc. both in Israel and Palestine as well as in the United States.As you might imagine Weiss is accused of anti-Semitism albeit Jewish anti-Semitism, whereas yours truly is asked if she is a Catholic anti-Semite. So it goes. Since everyone gets so frothy about this, I don't usually link to his site but I recommend it. Today he has a post that should interest dotCommonweal readers and it is a question that I ask myself from time to time: Does the Obama campaign care about the Catholic vote?In today's provocation, Weiss's compares the Obama campaign's Catholic messaging and Jewish messaging. "If Catholic voters can swing by the millions, why all this attention to Jews, who represent only a couple hundred thousand votes of swing? Well, for one thing, Obama surely figures that his general message will be appealing to the Catholics who care about the economy-- he doesn't have to tailor his message. That's true of most Jewish voters too. They'll be moved, or not, by Obama's overall message. Most of them are liberal Dems"Read on for Weiss's view. I am not sure Weiss has identified the big difference but we can talk about that later.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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